Eyesight Is Precious and Fragile

Patients and physicians all across Texas are coming together to make sure no Texan ever has to worry about the quality of care they are receiving. Join us!

Texas features the nation’s model patient protection laws related to eye surgery and medical management. It's critical to protect Texans' eyesight.


Stay informed on the latest developments regarding ensuring the right eye care for all Texans.

Does Marijuana Help Treat Glaucoma or Other Eye Conditions? January Is Glaucoma Awareness Month

Both supermodel Christie Brinkley and Bono, the lead singer of U2, were diagnosed with glaucoma during routine eye exams. Both were also surprised by the diagnosis since they weren’t experiencing problems with their vision. That’s the sinister nature of glaucoma, one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide: People with glaucoma can lose most of their vision before they experience symptoms. Once vision is lost, it cannot be regained. That’s why Safe Vision Texas and the American Academy of Ophthalmology are urging people over age 40 to get regular eye screenings to protect their good vision.

What Are Ophthalmologists Buying for Their Children This Holiday Season?

Ophthalmologists have long cautioned against purchasing toys that pose a danger to children’s eyes. This year we’re adding digital devices to our usual list of BB guns, Nerf guns, and slingshots. That’s because evidence is mounting that too much screen time and not enough time outside may be behind the recent rise in nearsightedness in children. We know reducing screen time has been especially challenging for parents during the pandemic. To help, Safe Vision Texas and the American Academy of Ophthalmology released a screen-free holiday gift guide focused on healthy kids and healthy eyes. 

November Is Diabetes Awareness Month: Here's Why People With Diabetes Shouldn't Skip Eye Appointments

Things happen: appointments are forgotten, other health issues crop up, financial problems happen. But missing eye exams may be vision-threatening for patients with diabetes. Safe Vision Texas joins the American Academy of Ophthalmology in reiterating the importance of eye exams during the month of November, which is observed as Diabetic Eye Disease Awareness Month.

Colored Contact Lenses for Halloween? The Hazards Are Real

Sure, zombie eyes might be the crowning touch on your Halloween costume. But if you’re thinking of getting decorative contact lenses online or elsewhere without a prescription, you might want to think twice. In fact, be afraid. Be very afraid.

Ophthalmologists Have a Front Row Seat to America’s Loneliness Epidemic

At the height of the pandemic, retina specialists were some of the few doctors still seeing patients regularly. People living with macular degeneration and other vision-threatening retinal diseases depend on monthly or bimonthly eye injections to preserve their sight.

Contact Lenses: What About Water?

Tens of millions of Americans successfully wear contact lenses every year. Contact lenses allow those who require glasses to experience a more natural and unobstructed view of the world.  However, contact lenses do not go without some level of risk for wearers.

Fireworks & Your Eyes: The Dangers Are Real

Every year, people suffer serious eye injuries from backyard fireworks displays. Most of the victims are children and bystanders located nowhere near the pyrotechnics. As Independence Day nears, Safe Vision Texas and the American Academy of Ophthalmology are working to dispel the myths that put people at risk of blindness.

The Texas Sun: What About Sunglasses?

It’s hot in Texas, and sunglasses are one of the first things that we think about when we step outside. But not all sunglasses are created equal. While the choices are endless, there’s only one thing that tops all sunglass considerations and it has nothing to do with price or brand names. It’s all about the UV protection. Safe Vision Texas and the American Academy of Ophthalmology want you to know that selecting sunglasses that block 99 to 100 percent of UV-A and UV-B radiation is the best way to protect your eyes from the sun’s damaging rays.

How Are Texas Ophthalmologists Approaching the April 8 Eclipse?

Texans will experience the total solar eclipse on April 8, and protecting your eyes will be critical. If you get a chance to see it, make sure to protect your eyes. Looking at the sun without a solar filter, whether through a camera lens or with your bare eyes, can severely damage your eyes and cause vision loss. Texas ophthalmologists are fielding a number of questions about eye safety related to the eclipse, and the American Academy of Ophthalmology provides several important tips.

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