Former Deputy Sheriff Dennis McManaman trusted his optometrist with his eyesight for over 20 years — but today, Dennis is nearly blind because of his optometrist's failure to identify the symptoms, run tests for, or even mention glaucoma.
By the time he got a second opinion from an ophthalmologist — which his optometrist never suggested — it was too late. The vision he lost was gone forever.
Dennis' life was changed — he was forced into early retirement from his job as Deputy Sheriff, an honor he had enjoyed for many years, and his sight continues to deteriorate because it went untreated for so long.
Optometrists aren't physicians, even though they hold the misleading title of "Doctor." When they fail to properly refer patients to ophthalmologists for medical care, the results can be devastating.
Dennis' story is one of many — and if the standards for eye care are lowered like powerful special interests want, this will only be the beginning.
That's why we need to stand up and fight for the safety of Texans. Will you join us?